Saturday 29 August 2009

Nihil Baxter - S/T 7"

Right, so I was pretty fuckin' chuffed when I discovered this band. They're a brilliant little 80's style Thrash band, although really they just sit comfortably on the side of being Neos-esque Hardcore (although I suppose you could class them as Thrash too, its all Punk though, so fuck it). I found out about these guys somehow through Surf Nazis Must Die and up until recently was utterly convinced it was members of SNMD. I'm not alone either, so many people have apparently believed this they have a song on this 7" about how they're nothing to do with the Surf Nazis. I also feel particially responsible for this grave error due to posting it on forums far and wide proclaiming it to be ex-SNMD, so maybe it was me... Who knows, who cares.

Its a shame that they weren't ex Surf Nazis, because I gotta say, this isn't the demo tape they released previously, meaning, this isn't actually as good. The demo tape was brillaint, it was punchy, and had some fantastic riffs and catchy lyrics and this just feels somewhat lack-luster in comparison, it just seems to be a mish-mash of poorly written songs. I think the best thing about this 7" is the Cro-Mags cover, but even then its just that sped up, and it just doesn't sound that hot.

Over all , I was a bit disappointed especially after such a strong demo release. But definately pick up the Demo if you can (I think they had it up for Download), the Demo is awesome, this is just average.

J.W [Spastic Fantastic]

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