Wednesday 16 January 2008

Column - Scene Critique

So, here I am, sitting in front of my humble little compu-think machine, half trying to think of what to write, half listening to Scholastic Deth and the other half shrugging off Nick trying to make me write controversial columns by filling it with half-arsed racism...

I began to think about Punk as community, as a life style. And thought "Ive disagreed with it for many years, but the truth is...Punk is dead", and if it isn't dead its really diluted/deluded and damaged in comparisons to what it used to be. And honestly I think it probably happened fucking quickly from when it all started off.

From what I'm aware it kicked off as some kind of retaliation to rock star attitudes and record label prejudices. So you had people thinking "Fuck this shit! I can start a band and I don't have to be that good either" and you had stuff like Eater, the Germs, the Clash who while weren't Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin formed bands and made up for lack of instrumental ability with heart and passionate lyrics. The issue we have now, though, is that bands we all know and love from our precious little Punk scene get big and popular (which I have no issue with), but then get too high and mighty, and so have become exactly what this crazy culture started against.

Fashion: "Screw being told what to look like! Ill do it myself!" was the rebel yell, only not so much, because you've got Leather Jackets, Mohawks, Plaid trousers covered in patches and Shit Kicker boots. In the case of the Hardcore scene its a selection of either Hoody, Camo shorts or prison white trainers or Flannel/plaid shirts, Vans/Converses, and Tight as fuck jeans with your obscure band T-shirt, heads either shaved or scruffy. (I'm not gonna pretend I don't do those things, but I'm gonna be honest about it). Punks got a fashion, a look people associate with it, so that little revolutionary streak as gone out the window too. And honestly even if you're T-shirt says "Spazz" is that really any different from one that says "Nike" or "Adidas"?

Unity: I remember singing along to the Casualties about "Unity" and "Up the Punx". But the more I look around me, the less I agree with it "I don't believe In Unity, its just one more abandoned dream" is what the Descendants sung, I for one agree. Unity as described by the dictionary:
"oneness of mind, feeling, etc., as among a number of persons; concord, harmony, or agreement."
Well, I sure I'm not alone when is say that the Punk/Hardcore scene is chocca block with cunts, row upon row of them. Why the fuck should I unite with them? I don't agree with them and their mentality. We all have differing idea's about things and some of those idea conflict, Unity is a mirage, forget it. Ive always got my friends back, but if you're a tosser, you're on your own.

Elitism: This shits everywhere too. Its all about liking bands that are uber obscure, find stuff first, the smallest distro's, the tiniest bands. Then immediately turning against them when the show the slightest sign of notoriety and faining interest in them. Whats wrong with just liking bands why does everything have to be a competition. Another reason Unity is fucked.

Hardcore and Punk...Punk (both the same fucking thing, you're a fool to think otherwise), are fucked. Spider Jerusalem (the infamous Transmetropolitan character, created by Warren Ellis, and Darick Robertson) says "There's one hole in every revolution, large or small. Its one word long -- PEOPLE. No matter how big the idea they all stand under, people are small and weak and cheap and frightened. Its people that kill every revolution." Id say that's a pretty true statement. We all came into this listen culture, looking for the same thing, acceptance, friendship etc from a society (not as a whole, but maybe a social group) that has scorned us. We came here not to judge or to be judged. Unfortunately that's gone tits up, We've started to dress the same, and conform to a stereotype in order to find in with friends or in immitation of bands we enjoy, its all natural, everyone does it, but its just kind of annoying thats its fists in the air for individuality when really if you think about it, the notion of individuality is bollocks. We have Straight Edgers beating up the drinkers and visa versa, the Vegans and Meat Eaters against each other. even the Tough Mosh guys verse everyone, why because within our own little world we've created we've managed to find differences within each other that we can target and discriminate against each other for. I mean not everyone does the above, but its still there, and you can all scream "But they're not part of Hardcore/Punk!" all you want, but its naive and its bollocks! They are part of our scene whether you like it or not. Our scene still has sexism, racism and homophobia and Classicism. We're no better then that which we turned our backs on. You might disagree, but take a look around and you'll see what I mean.

I suppose at the end of the day, what got started was something that would inevitably turn on itself due to the very nature of people. So this leaves us with 2 choices, you could either choose to accept that this is really what Punk is and just get on with it and leave words like "Unity" and "Individuality" out of it or we can just let it all die and carry on liking this style of music and playing it. Personally, Im happy to just carry on and see that individuality and unity just dont fit.

That's my bitter little rant over with.

Disclaimer: No one here at is a racist. We are all bastards to some degree though

1 comment:

Nick said...

I think a lot of bands use DIY, or whatever you call it, as a stepping stone; maybe even unknowlingly? I don't know, I don't really care that much though, because I don't think I personally come accross that many that isn't on a public forum etc