Monday 17 December 2007

LiveFastDie "Pissing on the Mainframe" EP

LFD help to further usher in the final phase of the true decline of western civilization with not one but two songs referencing "garage rock" messageboards (and actually their third total if you count that "Webshits..." thing), effectively forcing all of us punkrock record collectors and gossip mongers to gaze at the unshaven and sallow face reflected back in our monitors. The fact that I am typing this review should force some sort of armageddon clock to start ticking or seventh seal-style plague-of-frogs kinda shit. It's like they broke the fourth wall or something. Yet, regardless of whether I walk outside and the skies are raining blood and the earth is covered with locusts, I can actually say I have heard LFD's best record, because this is it ladies and gentlemen. It took subject matter as disturbing as this to elevate Camero Werewolf and Co.'s game to that next level of total GG-fronting-the-Ramones shitfaced genius. These guys have a seemingly unending supply of crappy-yet-awesome guitar sounds and recording "techniques" that give every song a different look, and it's this sort of innovative stupidity that makes LFD so transgressively enjoyable and unique. Well done, especially the title cut, but "Sonic Thread" is no slouch either. I need a fucking lyric sheet though. Scum

I found this pretty amusing so im posting it up, also its just to buy me some time before i write a wax museums review as i have a shit load of work to do in the mean time why dont you buy some records from these guys you bunch of poseurs !

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